It’s Twins! – Introducing Violet and Forest Dreamweaver

It was very early on a Thursday morning when Sophia noticed water dripping down her legs. Immediately, the labor pains began. She called for her husband and Connor, for his part, freaked out and took her to the hospital. At 4:52 AM, Sophia Dreamweaver gave birth to a set of boy and girl twins. Violet was born first and Forest was born soon after. Both Mother and the twins are doing fine. Forest’s traits are loves the outdoors and excitable. Violet’s traits are virtuoso and artistic. She will be the artist / musician of the family I think.

Author’s Note: Actually, I am surprised Sophia had twins, much less a boy and girl set. Neither Sophia nor Connor has the fertility treatment. Connor and Sophia both read pregnancy books and I had Sophia listen to a little kid music while reading just to get her in the mood for babies. I didn’t expect an hour of kid music to produce twins. Oh well, it works out perfectly. I don’t plan for the couple to have any more children; I plan to decide between Violet and Forest for the next heir or heiress. Connor and Sophia, of course, want more children; I may cave though.


Sophia feeding Forest. Violet is asleep in her crib. 


Sophia gives Forest his bath and a strong talking to about washing behind his ears! 


Sophia snuggles her baby girl, Violet. She is definitely her mother’s favorite.


Sophia gives Violet her bath. 


Connor going to tend to his babies. He’s a good daddy. I just didn’t get a lot of pictures of him caring for the babies because he has a job. 


Connor and Sophia tending to their little ones. So much to do, so little time!


And here is a final picture of Violet and Forest Dreamweaver side by side in their baby swings. I do hope they look alike when they’re older.

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